The world health organization raised the "bar" safe dose drink alcohol. Now, according to published on the second day, on the recommendation of the WHO, a healthy man may, without harm to health to drink up to 10 liters of pure alcohol per year. Women are allowed about one-third less. Such generosity WHO corresponds to about one bottle of vodka a week. But our drugs are more conservative, but still keeping the usual frameworks: a maximum of 8 liters of "pure" alcohol per year and 3-4 days of full sobriety in the week. In this case all the other doctors insist on changing the traditional, established from the soviet era, the principles of providing help to people who get into trouble with alcohol.

"More than 8 liters of pure alcohol per person per year — this is the demise of the nation, — considers the head of department of psychotherapy of the National scientific center of addiction, professor. — We are now consumed of 15.1 liters. We are in a negative top. Increased drinking alcohol arises on an empty place — this is an attempt to get rid of stress, to what extent to get away from reality, to solve some psychological problems. Partly it works: the drinks, the introverted person becomes exempt, it improves mood, problems to descend into the middle of the plan. But all the same, it is a psychological trap and the pseudosolution of the problems. A person is paying too high a price. Is true pathology of the liver, heart, brain. And when they appear the actual symptoms of the disease, a person already, as a rule, is located in a deep dependence on alcohol".
Expert advice: how much you can drink with minimal risk to health?
It is believed that for men safe amount of alcohol is 14-28 benefits of the week, and for women — 7-14 doses. While this standard is conditional: in some people, for example, when unfavorable heredity the risk of a deterioration of health occurs when you use a very small amount of alcohol.
How to drink properly?
Often say: abroad, eat, fight, and we drink, eat. The main principle should be — the fewer, the better. And, of course, drinks should be of good quality. Preference is better to give dry — it is not fortified and not dessert — wine. Vodka, cognac, other strong drinks, to get into the stomach, can cause a condition close to a burn of the mucous membrane, so vysokostatusnye drinks it is better to dilute. If diluted drink (which can be wine) we stretch out towards the entire evening, then the total dose of pure alcohol shows a little and the damage to health will be reduced to a minimum. Because the oxidation of alcohol in the body requires an increased consumption of vitamins, then it is advisable to take a multivitamin, and the table must necessarily include greens, vegetables and fruits.
How useful dry red wine?
Really compelling evidence about the benefits of moderate alcohol consumption, including dry wines, have not yet been adopted. But many experts believe that the main importance of the ability to relieve stress has a dose of pure alcohol, and no appearance of the beverage. Therefore, it is better to drink less is better.
What dose of alcohol is considered safe?
On the basis of a recommendation all the same WHO men should be consumed no more than 40 g pure alcohol per day (about 2 bottles of beer, 100 ml of vodka helena 3 glasses of dry wine). And women — 30 g of pure alcohol (1,5 beer bottles, helena 80 g of vodka, 2 glasses of dry wine). And that's assuming that the 2 days of the week a person will not have even a drop of alcohol.
When does the addiction begin?
Admit you depending on the alcohol ventured to the unit. Most people believes itself Malouda, but one person can drink a bottle of beer per day, but every day, and the second is to drink only rarely, but firmly. Who of them has problems with alcohol? Experts WHO distinguish four forms of alcohol consumption.
- Safe form. This is when a person drink no more 210 ml (for men) helena 135 ml (for women) of pure alcohol a week. In this day of the quantity of alcohol must not exceed safe dose: 40 ml (for men) and 30 ml of ethanol (for women).
- Dangerous form. This is when a person exceeds the safe dose and does not follow the mode of sobriety.
- Medical experts warn that while such a relationship to the alcohol drinks a person runs the risk that in the future, addicted to alcohol and get as a "bonus" is one of the diseases that are associated with the excessive use of alcohol (cirrhosis of the liver, stomach ulcers, anemia, heart failure, etc.).
- Consumption harmful effects. That is, when a person drinks eagerly (persistent alcohol consumption more than 2-x days), he feels an irresistible desire to sober.
- But the most characteristic symptom of this form of — loss of control over the amount of drink. Then there man has lost the sense of proportion, and therefore more and more and more often he gets drunk on the liner.
- The third form of the drink is not yet considered as an addiction, but when her brain and the internal organs of a watering hole person greatly worn out.
- Alcoholism. This form of alcohol use is characterized by a stubborn unwillingness of man to give up alcohol and it's even in the name of shaken health.
In this stage varies, and a form of intoxication, for example, earlier a person drunk, it was hilarious and fell asleep, and now he developed an aggressive form of behavior. When this dose of alcohol, drink for one day, it grows several times.
How much alcohol can you drink person per day?
People are in different ways related to alcohol. Something-who can not live a day, without the taste at least one glass of vodka. Some drink a few times a month and only on special occasions. There are those personalities who are completely indifferent to react to alcoholic beverages. Zdf is there a safe dose of alcohol? Some doctors ensure their patients, which can be consumed not more than single dose of alcohol during the week, others are sure that the amount of alcohol than a month 60 ml vodka, 150 ml of wine, already indicative of intoxication. Scientists for the determination of the safe for the human body doses of alcohol even brought a bunch of different patterns. But most of the doctors-the treatment of drug addiction agree that in every person there are his purely personal standard drunk, which is directly dependent on its individual characteristics. The last assumption can be called the most plausible, as some people are able to make a nice omelet from the wine glass, and another "no takes" and a bottle of vodka. Dangerous just consume alcohol a weak floor. Woman is very quickly pulled into the drink, and even small doses of alcohol cause her to get used to. He drinks regularly, the lady is already over 2 years threatens to become an alcoholic. Men are more resistant to alcohol drinks and drink too many-not so fast – years over 10 .
Doctors have conducted numerous studies, as a result of which they concluded: the men central figure, to sleep, may be consumed in front of 250 ml of wine 500 ml of beer, and no more than 50 ml of vodka (helena another beverage strength up to 40 degrees) on the day. For women the allowable dose of alcohol per day less: wine – no more than 150 ml, a beer – into a 330 ml, vodka – 30 ml. you need to remember that just about any one of the above mentioned alcohol, and not right about everything. Scientists believe that these portions are not able to have a negative impact on human health. If you are drinking alcohol above safe standards, then alcoholic beverages will be gradually and persistently, to you in this alcoholic. Not only sexual identity is taken into account when calculating the safe for human standards of alcohol. Climatic conditions also play an important role in the process of winding the alcoholism. It is seen that in cold regions, people drink too much much faster than in areas with a comfortable temperature regime. Another factor that must be taken into account when determining the permissible dose of alcohol is the age of the drinking man. The younger the organism, the faster it is drunk, which means, sensitive to the negative effects of ethanol. The young man, drunk soft beer, will sehmale faster middle-aged men, who drank strong drinks.
When it is worth to note, that alcohol, even in small amounts, is contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women, children, adolescents, drivers and people taking some medications. According to the WHO, drinking to a whole year, about 8 liters of alcoholic beverages, the person causing irreparable damage to their health. At the same time, domestic drug point out that the average citizen can drink alcohol from 15 to 18 liters per year, and it's already looming sign of intoxication. Why in some countries drink more acceptable standards? For the majority of our countrymen, the terms "binge" and "holiday" are synonymous. Even one win passes without tables, Flex from the severity of the bottles with vodka, cognac, wine. Inviting to your house guests and not to in front of them a bottle of liquor is considered a sign of obscene. If in the current environment one is able to control the amount drunk, then during the feast, knowingly allows you to rest a bit more and have some fun.
Not in vain is after the holidays for people other various chronic diseases. To adhere to the standard, a person is need to clearly define for yourself how much he can drink and not exceed my limit for the day. Only in this way it is possible to work around the culture of drinking. But not just holidays contribute to the development of alcohol dependence. Sick a viral infection, some people prefer to be treated no cure funds, and beverages. Alcohol really helps to destroy harmful bacteria, but along with them slowly and surely destroys the whole organism. And those people who in the course of treatment in combination of the acceptance of alcoholic beverages with the medications, they have themselves a disservice: even the small portions, vodka, brandy, helena other beverages, taken with tablets helena drugs will cause a devastating blow to the liver, pancreas and cardiovascular system. In addition, an extra serving of alcohol contribute to the development of I have a problem with drinking. In the presence of serious diseases, alcohol poisoning occurs much faster. About the dangerous state indicates a very low body temperature (3-4 degrees lower than normal) and heavy breathing. Usually over 12-36 hours after the intervention into your body a huge amount of alcohol in people the heart stops and death is imminent.
And how much you can drink in other countries? In the countries of the diaspora safe dose of alcohol for men is considered to be 30 ml of pure ethanol per day (this amount includes approximately 300 ml of wine, 600 ml of beer helena 40 ml of vodka). For zarubeznyh women permitted level of alcohol is exactly in 2 times less, than for the representatives of the stronger sex. Doctors are sure that if you drink alcoholic drinks in indicated doses, then they will promote the prevention of diseases of the cardiovascular system. In the misty albus permissible dose of alcohol is 32 ml of pure ethanol for men and 24 ml – for women. In another member state of a grown man, not afraid to harm the health and sleep with a clear conscience can afford to drink alcoholic beverages containing not more than 20 ml of ethanol. For women, this rate was reduced to 10 ml per day. In the countries with the foothills of the inhabitants allowed the serving of alcohol is considered to be 24 ml of pure ethanol a day for the male population.
There is an opinion that the recommended by doctors dose of alcohol a day is not only safe, but also very useful, and moderately drinking people live longer than non-drinkers. But proponents of the hypothesis have warned that the benefit is able to bring only dry red wine, from the more spirits no benefit to the body will not. Let get something to drink, they always know his speed and know how to stop in time. These fortunate people is not terrible alcoholism. Well and those who are not able alone to control, the only way to avoid addiction to alcohol – not to listen to stories about safe doses of alcohol, and not drink at all.
Ministry of health warns: how much can you drink alcohol
The experts of the Ministry of health calculates the norms of alcohol use for men and women, which can be used in the labelling of these products. State research center of preventive medicine Ministry of health calculated the safe standards of alcohol consumption, the article of the newspaper. In the standards specified quantity of liquor, corresponding to low, medium and high damage health. According to the calculations of NYCPM, if a person will drink 1.5 l of beer strength of 4.5 degrees three days in a week, then the risk will be low. The same dose in the course of five days, increasing the risk of when in high school, and the daily consumption of that amount of foamed fluid with a higher risk. A glass of vodka with volume of 50 ml for men you can drink with low risk to the health of twice a day, the woman while respecting the level of safety it is better to do one. When exceeding this standard is the risk passes to the middle. A woman on the basis of the recommendations of the NYCPM you can a day to drink two glasses (each 100 ml) of dry wine strength of 13 degrees. Helena a glass of champagne with a volume of 150 ml. These doses mean low risk, even if you drink during the whole week.
It is impossible to identify valid and invalid levels of alcohol consumption, he sees a newspaper the words of the director of the Institute of medicine the health of the nation. "Such recommendations of the helena calculations of the risks to health may come up for each individual person with regard to his body weight, condition of the body systems, the enzymatic apparatus, which breaks down alcohol, these points are discussed in the documents of the WHO", — said the expert. The head of the development center of national alcohol policy said that the people is hard enough to control the drinking of alcohol in certain doses and at the right moment to stop with regard to recommendations. Their will not stop the consequences. "If a man is good, then why all of a sudden stops, so it is worth it to talk about what to start to consume alcohol — it is no longer a risk", — said the expert.